Tuesday, 15 May 2012


I had this idea about saving the World

Wrap orbits in blankets
Hide us beneath the clouds
Spread pretty petals 
From the moon to the sun
Send signals of peace 
And make poverty run
Banish diseases
And put things right
Give fields a chance
To bloom in light
Take away crimes
And painfun sin
But is this where to start 
Where to begin
Do we burn prisons
An make us all pure
Do we build new defences
Around the ground
We adore
Do we put up fences
But tear down walls
How do we rid our world
Of incredible fools
But how can I start this 
How could it be
Put into place 
When I can't even save me

Monday, 14 May 2012


I watch her in the Sun 
As she flicks her hair
Keep a hold of her smiles
And will always be there
She is a pure treasure 
Of shining gold
Mine so precious
To always hold
I listen to her laughter 
And her crazy ideas
I cuddle and comfort her
Through her pain and her tears
She is such beauty
Like Bluebells in Spring
As fragile as a rose
With a heart that sings
She is all that I love 
With a heart so dear 
We have shared so much 
Year after year 
In her whole being 
I see a wonderous Soul
She is my little Angel 
With only one goal
To guide her Children
As I have done
She is my Daughter
An amazing one ! 


He told me to do it
That voice in my head
What have you got to lose
Afterall, your emotions are led
By the pain in your heart
Where the mind gets twisted
All thoughts are disturbed
And almost black listed
What does it matter
That everything is hazy
Dance with me
Show the world you have turned crazy
Let them see through
Your paled skin
Watch you point fingers
With aggression at kin
Shout abuse and create an arguing storm
Laugh at the universe 
Unwelcome the dawn
It's driven you mad
I can see
So why not do it
And dance with me. 

Monday, 7 May 2012


Confetti once shone on the floor
Wedding bells died
As you walked out the door
All that love oozing
Like melted down gold
Promises in Church
Turned out in the cold
Happiness lost
As needles in hay
What was the point
Of that Glamours day
I shiver and cry 
Into that dress
Jewels I wore
Broken in distress
Cards ripped up photos destroyed
Abandoned by a heart annoyed
Pettals pulled from a once
Beautiful boquet
Spred on the floor in disarray
Tiara still sparkling
Amongst shattered dreams
Sunlight showing 
Glistening tears of streams
Gone are days 
Of  loving as one
Nights full of darkness
Have now begun
Heartache beside me
My company in bed
Mourfull sadness
Crashing into my head
Goodbye to a future
That I thought was won
I'll sit here watching 
The confetti run. 

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Little Sentances.

I have this thought in my head
Circling round and round
Little sentances full of dread
A  shocking laugh took over my brain
Shuddering my body
Why can I hear that again
It's always in darkness 
That this encases me 
Round and round
I can't set my mind  free
It's like fingers crawling
through your insides
From my toes to my stomach
Evil twisting, all good thoughts slide
Sunshine and fairy dust all fall away
There is a dark side in me 
That comes out to play
It spins out a warning
of all things black
It scares me to think
Of the prayer I lack
It takes my strength
It burns up my soul 
Eats up my bible
And my whole life's goal
I'll close my eyes 
And try to release
The anger and hurt 
Of not finding peace. 
But there in my dreams
It finds it's way 
There is a dark inside me 
That will always
Be there to stay. 

Friday, 4 May 2012

Little heart of mine.

In this little heart of mine
There is so much room for giving
As he looks and smiles at me
I know I have started living
Eyes so full of oceans blue
With him I'm so secure 
You see, this Man
I really do adore
I know it will be forever 
Until the end is to come 
I can't help but think of him
He is my Morning Sun
Every thing I feel inside 
all of what he is
Is in this little heart of mine
For what he always gives. 

Tuesday, 1 May 2012


Chaires topple
Tables slide
All aided by a Ghost
They hide in dark places
And scare me the most
Just because I can't see them
Doesn't mean they are not there 
Hidden under my duvet
Listening to every creak on the stair
I wonder what they want from me
Why they call my name
Lights flicker on and off
They like to play their games
I beg comfort from huddled in my bed
Drawing up my pillow
To cover my sleepy dread
Shadows creep over me
I swear I see a light
Twinkling on the ceiling
Giving me such a fright
I need to fall asleep now
Wishing they would go away
But every sense can feel them
I think they are here to stay
They are not loved ones watching over me 
They dance along my walls
With such cruelty
I scramble out prayers
Demanding them to disappear
I can't help but lay so still
Drowning in my fear
Hurry up day light
Take these Ghosts away
I wish they would stop
Making the chandelier sway
Tapping on the floor boards 
opening a  door
I really don't want my skin
To prickle any more
But as I start to fall asleep
Every thing goes still
Darkness is free again
All around me so tranquill
Warm and cosy

Tiny steps to Heaven.

Once upon a castle
In a fairy taled land
I took tiny steps to Heaven
A Princess took my hand
My living wasn't ending
I had gone to play with stars
Glitter sprinkled at my feet
Healing all my scars
I laid in fields of blossom
With soft silky sleeves
My Angel gently spoke to me
"Here you will never have to leave"
She said I cold watch over 
Everyone I love
I could dance with pretty moon beams
And touch the flying Dove
My living isn't over
Here it's just begun
I'll tumbel over cotton clouds
And watch you from the sun. 
The Devil Inside.
Angels wings won't find me
Never to hear their song
The devil put a curse on me
He said my soul was wrong
But I know I am good inside
And adore the ones I love
He laughed such a sickening cry
As he stripped  feathers from a Dove
I pleaded and argued
We had such a row
Only to him
He said 
I must always bow
He played out my scenarios
with such a twisted grin
"I like to play games" he said
"And I always win"
Sitting in my bedroom
Reading a good book
Then I saw the lightening
The thunder shook
Pulling back the curtains
To watch battering rain
Splashes down in rivers
That tumble down the drain
Neighbours at their windows
Glancing at the sky
The beauty of our universe
Brings a tear drop to my eye
Electricity slips away
To hide back in fright
But me, I embrace this enormous wonder
With pure excited delight
I listen as it crashes
Surrounds us in it's path
Raging as a Temptress 
With an evil laugh
Storm you made the night so black
Lightening you must agree
That even though your mesmerising 
You set our feelings free
You bring a peace and stillness
When yor wrath is danced
Happy in your knowing 
You put us in a trance
So for now you fade away
Huddled up in space
I'll greet the day with open arms
When again we meet face to face. 
Dreams are places to play out sweet games
To run wild without any shame
To stamp your feet
shout out loud
Run to the sun and climb on clouds
Pick at the stars
climb on rainbows
Poke at the galaxy as it tickles your toes
Steal some magical moon beams
Pocket two or three
Playing games in a pretty world
Happily and free
Where you can live your fantasies
Among pools of gold
The universe in your hands
Precious for you to hold
Green petaled flowers
Candy floss sky
As you wake from a slumber
All gone in the blink of an eye
But smile at the Morning
Laugh all day
For tonight in your dreams
You can go back to play.