Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Sleep Tight.

For those that we loved
Memories we locked away
For photos of times
We all shared such good days 
For the eternal gift 
Of playing such a part 
For the chance to have cradled
Such amazing hearts
For songs we created
But never sang out loud
For warm handshakes 
Kept locked in the clouds 
For all the smiles and happily cried tears
For our friendships
That shaped us over the years 
For all those we have lost 
We say our prayers 
For all our courage
Every thing we shared
For all that we remember 
The lives we achieved
For all those we miss 
I raise a glass to Thee


  1. I notice that this seems to be your last post in March of this year. I hope you are just taking a little break. Your poetry is lovely and delicate and true.

  2. Hi Wendy
    Thank you for you very lovely comment. I have been so busy but pen will be back to paper asap !
    My Best Wishes to you,
